Wednesday, December 10, 2014


It doesn't work,-says our source in Virginia, Michael Lang-. First of all the wrong individuals were selected, and second, the meme development is soon out of control.
A.B. as a planting agent is a failure from the beginning because he is a believer. The best agent is always the most skeptic.
Now, the Time-Space Jumping Secret CIA project is a bad idea. Andy couldn't feed the meme at all, and sooner or later, any other urban mythologist would find his/her own time jumper, particularly when there is nothing to say about the UFO plant and derivatives like disclosure, cover-up , etc. (Sightings are dead. Nobody believes in big sightings anymore. People believes that they are prop. some future film, you know?)
So, I think it's time to let it go. Besides, let me tell you that from the beginning the "A.B. Pictures in Gettysburg were criticized. It's never wise to put President Lincoln in some disinfo joke you know what I meant? No good, no good.)
You ask me what will happen now? Nothing will happen. The ufologists and pseudo-scientists will find new time space jumpers and the whole thing will die in time, just like the men in black or any other production. By the way, even the alien abduction thing is dying if not dead already.
Old plants like the Rockwell thing were not cheap but effective.
My personal is that the UFO-Paranormal-religious environment is finished. No good plants are possible. Perhaps something can be done in Conspiracy theory but I am not totality sure.Michael was worried about time, so we didn't make new questions. It wasn't necessary and Michael Lang was now walking fast toward the parking in M. street. 

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