Monday, December 29, 2014

Pathological attraction to Conspiracy theories?


"I see this book as a journey and as a work of courage. Alfred Webre is my husband and soul mate. Through the time we've spent together I've watched him wage a battle, sometimes fierce and unsettling, with the mental illness that has plagued and enriched his life. At the depths of one of his depressions I suggested that he update one of his books, "The Age of Cataclysm" and perhaps write a book on his personal journey through manic-depression. My thinking at the time was he needs something to focus on and give him some purpose. That was in July shortly after "God" died and left Alfred both, devastated and exhilarated. He and I had been working together to come to grips with his attraction to cults and to move into a state of recovery. This was a task I felt well prepared for as I had done a great deal of "exit therapy" over the years with a variety of cult members."
It's easy to understand, after reading what Alfred's wife writes, that he needs badly to fight, with the professional help of his wife Geri, against his pathological " attraction to cults and move into a state of recovery".

The big question now:  Is it possible that Alfred “pathological attraction to cults” has become a pathological attraction to Conspiracy Theories?
If this is so, we can understand why Alfred Lambremont Webre is fascinated with frauds like Kevin Annett, and now Leuren Moret, a pseudo-scientist who planted the absurd idea about  Jesuits (“Society of Jesus”) originated in Babylon; These impossible jesuits are Satanic, so the Pope Francis I is satanic also. For Alfred Webre this absurd, irrational idea is the supreme  Truth.
It’s obvious that if Alfred believes Jesuits originated in Babylon he has serious problems. We all know that the Society of Jesus is  a Roman Catholic order of priests founded by St. Ignatius Loyola, St. Francis Xavier, and others in 1534, to do missionary work. The order was zealous in opposing the Reformation. Despite periodic persecution it has retained an important influence in Catholic thought and education.
The situation shows clearly one thing: Alfred Lambremont Webre needs help and needs it now, not tomorrow.
Ivanna Keller

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Mafia Behind Campaign against the Pope Francis I

UFINTEL guidosinistrari

Caro Fogg,
 Il papa รจ stato dichiarato nemico della famiglia onorevole, this means that the Mafia is behind the campaign against Pope.
Those who consciously or unconsciously attack the Pope calling him Satanist are working (some of them free,) for the Organized Crime.
Pope and Jesuits declared war against gli uomi d'honore. Because of this fact, those who accuse Francis of criminal acts and obscene rituals are working for "the family" 
The friends of the Mafia do not include those who have dogmatic and or religious differences with Pope Francis I. 
My message is this one: think twice when you go into defamation and character assassination. SHOW EVIDENCES, and  those who feel pope friendly DEMAND EVIDENCES from the ridiculous "mafiosi soldati" that are working, perhaps in ignorance, for the Organized Crime.  
Guido S.

Again the Infamous Accusations against POPE FRANCIS I

Dear Fogg, please post this message in your blog. Thanks in advance.

Again I will insist. I know Jorge Mario Bergoglio for decades. I saw him working for the victims of the Military Dictatorship in Argentina. I saw his humbleness, his compromise with the poor, his intelligence and kindness. Nothing can be more infamous than point him as leader of a Satanic cult. WHERE ARE THE EVIDENCES? Can we insult and defame a man without evidences? Is the infamous Kevin Annett behind this campaign of defamation? I thought that Alfred Webre was free from the influence of this poisonous individual.
James Black. Tomas Scolarici


Truth is that the poisonous insect is alive and well. As a puppeteer, he manipulates nonexistent institutions, nonexistent names, nonexistent places. In some way Kevin Annett represents the enormous lie in which we live. Perhaps, (this is a suggestion.) the defrocked should be treated as a joke. Why? Because his specialty is the drama. Just fabricate your of Tribunal, Republic, Church and laugh...this laugh is what K.A. probably will not tolerate. Call him a pathetic clown, because this is what he is. President of Kanata, Leader of the ITCCS, International play-boy, Reverent of a nonexistent church....a walking joke.

Just laugh. so will do the people when K.A.ask for money. So will do the women he tries to impress. 

...The queen into child traficking...Popes killing and eating children in Satanic rituals. Nonexistent courts, judges, sheriffs. The clown should try fortune in the cheapest tabloid industry

Saturday, December 27, 2014

The Truth about Satanism and Sacrifices in Conspiracy Theory

Lucas Von Teufel 

Dear Phil, it's true what you say about some increase of the Satanism meme, promoted by several conspiracy theorists, and I will try to expose the "rationale" of this phenomenon, but first we should remember that a meme is "an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture." A meme acts as a unit for carrying cultural  ideas, symbols, or practices that can be transmitted from one mind to another through writing, speech, gestures, rituals, or other imitable phenomena with a mimicked theme. 

So, Satanism and Satanic rituals are indeed a meme, and let me tell you that the God (monotheism) meme, is the necessary supplement of the satanic meme. 
The "god" meme would loose its power without the counterpart, that is the "devil" meme. Precisely Satan means the Adversary and since God is presumably the origin of everything, he is also the creator of the Adversary. The oppositions God-Devil, Good-Evil, Darkness-Light, etc, etc, simply keep the show going on.
Now, I think that this hyperbolic presence of Satanism with rituals and sacrifices, is a manipulation of the extreme right for the benefit of a growing polarization. Historic experience shows that the "populace" is always forced to serve the dominant classes through the manipulation of religion, and consequently fear, hate and eventually a chauvinist behavior.

The script-writers serving the extreme right ideology and the Capitalists, sooner or latter present "satan" as the rebel, the renegade, the revolutionary. That's why Lucifer is the Light Bearer and was identified with Venus, the planet that symbolizes Love. Also consider the myth of  Prometheus, that cosmic Robin Hood. 
Satanism does not exist as an organized sect at all, and of course there are no human sacrifices in USA or the United Kingdom.

After all, God and Satan are both two masks for the same face, and the name of that face is non-existence. By the way, Fogg, remember that after all there is a conspiracy industry and Satan is always a best seller.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Think twice before giving money to Kevin Annett.

This is a supposition of course, but let's suppose that you have lots of money and also a good heart.
Kevin Annett apparently is into saving children from the Pope, Jesuits, Canadian Government and the Queen of England, so you consider the possibility of giving him money for his "cruzade".
It looks rational bet let me suggest you a few previous steps: Do some research in the web, some "googling" to learn how many children was rescued by Kevin. Perhaps you will find talk, Annett's
talk but never FACTS.
Now , it looks like Kevin enjoys the support of some International Tribunal  on Crimes of Church and State whose headquarters are in Brussels. But...if you read more, you will find that those headquarters in Bruxels do not exist, and the Jurors and Judges of the ITCCS are also fantasies.
Perhaps this character, this man called Kevin Annett, is a little weird, since he alone, dissolved the CATHOLIC CHURCH, CANADA, the British Monarchy, and declared that the Pope kills and eats children in satanic rituals.
Of course you are suspicious now, but you will also learn that this man received $150.000 and with this money gave himself a play-boy life, womanizing and travelling a lot.
You will find also warnings from Canadian tribal chiefs about Kevin pushing drugs in those same tribes.

If you did this research we suggest, Probably you will find a better destiny for your money.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Time Travel, Time as Space and Andy Basiago's dreams

The fabrication of Time Travel fantasy comes from a basic fallacy: the consideration of Time as Space.
We can move back or forward in Space, but never in time, because time is a measure not a place.
Andy Basiago went ...went? back to Gettysburg and he say Lincoln talking there. Now this is possible only if the WHOLE UNIVERSE(s) move back, but ...again to move we need SPACE, never time.
If Andy move back in time, must we believe that there is some kind of isolated bubble where Lincoln talks and talks and talks forever?
More, is Basiago AND the whole Universe went back in time, while we, you and me remained "here" in the present, we need two Universes, the Basiago-in Gettysburg, and the other, our present Universe.
What can we said about this? Nothing but smile looking at a monumental stupidity.
Of course there are thousands, millions of absurd contradictions. Andy Basiago in Gettysburg was a non-entity. He was a not-born-yet. So was his mother and grandmother.
Are we joking here? Yes, of course we are joking,
(The clock alarm sounds...Basiago wakes up. 7am. He dreamed about Lincoln, Gettysburg and a secret CIA time travel project.)

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Mr.D. Illuminati, Jesuits and NWO.

Truth is that I am very happy about the collapse of Kevin Annett frauds, and I agree with the message from Lucas V.T.
In fact to suggest that K.A. is a paid agent, an operative, is to give him some credit he doesn't deserve.
Any public or private organization with a political and social agenda would chose someone better than this cheap swindler.
The fabrication of the Common Law Tribunal in Brussels would be much more elaborate and with some real faces and address.
Jesuits would never attack Pope Francis I. This is suicidal and Jesuits are intelligent and organized
enough for committing suicide.
The Illuminati are now a very closed organization integrated by some "dandies" and millionaires attracted by the aesthetics of the occult. They have no public agenda at all.
The NWO people are in fact a few conservatives that just love the OLD WORLD ORDER and nothing new.
What remains are Agencies, that is the people of the Intelligence establishment. Obviously they would never choose Annett as an operative. On the contrary, the "personality " of this cheap swindler is the opposite of what is demanded from an operative in the field.
This is my contribution to the alternatives of this scandal. Congratulations to Alfred Webre, his lovely wife Geri and the people of the Anti-Kevin Annett Club.

Kevin Annett, a common swindler and pathological liar.

Lucas Von Teufel

Dear Fogg
It's more than obvious that Kevin Annett hoaxes are evident, and there are no doubts about the pathological personality of this swindler. 
However we must be careful when we make the individual an instrument of organizations or secret societies. 
In my view, Annett frauds are one man fabrications. Why? Simply because any organization would produce something more complex and believable.
No. His fabricated ITCCS is an absurdity and K.A. cannot even show a face after the faked names of the associates. 
Any agency would fire Kevin Annett for inefficiency, disloyalty and serious psychopathic disorders. 
Kevin Annett is just a common swindler and a pathological liar. 
In fact, Jesuits, Illuminati, CIA or any other private or public agency would "put in the field" a better agent provocateur and never an obsessive self-serving insane.

Alfred Webre exposes Kevin Annett criminal activities.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

NOTICE OF SUSPENSION OF ALL KEVIN ANNETT PROGRAMMING BY ExopoliticsTV suspension-of-all-kevin-annett-programming-by-exopoliticstv/

The Directors of ExopoliticsTV met on Friday Dec. 19, 2014 and for the following reasons have decided to take all ExopoliticsTV interviews with Kevin Annett, sole spokesperson for ITCCS, offline until further notice.
  1. Kevin Annett has refused to make available George Dufort, the ITCCS personnel in charge of ITCCS available for interview to corroborate the statements made by Kevin Annett in interviews with ExopoliticsTV since Sept 14, 2011.  Because of the statement of ExopoliticsTV, Alfred Lambremont Webre [See below], there is probable cause to believe that fraudulent statements by Kevin Annett may appear throughout each of these interviews.  ExopoliticsTV does not have the resources to edit each video for possible such statements at this time.
  2. ExopoliticsTV does not wish to be responsible morally, ethically or financially for broadcasting false and misleading information about the topics that Kevin Annett is addressing in his interviews.
  3. Public Health & Welfare – The issues addressed in Kevin Annett’s interviews are paramount to public health and welfare, especially of children and our institutions.  AS soon as independent, corroborative evidence comes forward on the issues Kevin Annett has addressed, ExopoliticsTV will broadcast that evidence.
Vancouver, BC Dec. 19, 2014
Geri DeStefano-Webre, PhD
Alfred Lambremont Webre, Med, JD
I interviewed Kevin Annett as sole ITCCS spokesman for 3 years and I took on faith many statements he made because of my 10 year relationship with him at Vancouver Coop Radio.
On Oct. 28, 2014, a woman friend of mine came to me with a report that Annett had been simultaneously romancing and proposing marriage to several women in different parts of the planet. I had also noticed that young beautiful women would be appointed administrators by Annett of the ITCCS Facebook group [which I had founded] who then would become traveling companions to Annett across Canada and to Europe.
Alfred Lambremont Webre.
My friend told me that Annett was engaging in unethical interpersonal relationships with multiple women. By coincidence Annett was scheduled for an ExopoliticsTV interview in
early Nov 2014 and I confronted him with what I had been told. Annett lied to me face to face as an ExopoliticsTV interviewer and Producer, saying he hardly knew my friend whereas they had been going out for 2 years. Annett then accused my friend, who runs a spiritual center, of being a government agent. At that moment as a broadcaster  I lost trust in Kevin Annett as I sensed he was deliberately lying for deceptive media purposes.
Within the past two weeks investigator Heather Martin published interviews with two women whom Annett was simultaneously romancing at the same time he was my friend and living a jet set international life style on proceeds he had obtained through breach of trust with yet another female ITCCS supporter who gave him a total of $150,000 for ITCCS that was misapplied to his personal lifestyle.
I decided that as a matter of due diligence I should request an independent interview with George Dufort who Annett indicated had functioned as a coordinator of ITCCS Brussels. Over the past several months I had received emails purportedly written by George Dufort. I also knew that some researchers had concluded that George Dufort, like Jeremiah Jourdain, were fictitious persons Annett had made up in an effort to make his organization real.
Upon my request of an interview with George Dufort, Annett escalated into a public hostile response indicating that I would be the target of a Tribunal and Grand Jury starting in January in Vancouver.
Hence I issued a Protective Order to protect my home and the 10 people in it including elementary and secondary aged students from being threatened by the Grand Jury and Republic of Kanata gang, mandating no contact and prohibiting them from coming within 100 meters of my house.
ExopoliticsTV has now developed and will be publishing evidence that Annett manipulated $150,000 from one such woman to support his lifestyle in the ITCCS, constituting fraud and breach of trust. has yet to receive verification that ITCCS Brussels personnel or the court exist. Moreover we have receive preliminary information impeaching one of Annett’s principal European witnesses.
In the course of following through on due diligence we have been attacked and distorted by Annett and followers.
Our articles exposing Annett’s breach of trust, compulsive lying, financial fraud, and shady involvement in child trafficking issues will be appearing in the coming weeks and months
Our working hypothesis is that one of the functions of ITCCS is to displace and discredit any genuine citizen offered in this field.
Alfred Lambremont Webre,
Dec. 19, 2014

My Experience with fraudulent Kevin Annett.

My Own Testimonial

December 10, 2014

My name is Heather Martin.  I am a Registered Nurse, activist and blogger.  I’m the creator of the blog Kevin Annett Must Be Stopped and this is my testimony of my experience with Kevin Annett.  I’m doing this today as a way of getting my own story out so that people who have had something to do with him, who think they are supporting a man of the cloth, who are supporting a man who is trying to bring down The Powers That Be can understand that this is not really who they are supporting.

It’s important to know that for the last three and a half years, I’ve written over 140 articles using Kevin’s own words and work to expose him as a con artist and a fraud.  I’ve used his claims and the facts to show people that the ITCCS does not exist, the ICLCJ does not exist and that nothing Kevin has claimed to have done is true.

I am not the only person to have proven these things and certainly not the only person who has been attacked for criticizing Kevin Annett. Many former supporters have suffered the consequences for questioning his motives and methods and have been called ‘black operatives’, ‘smear artists’ and have been accused of taking bribes, stealing money and working with the Vatican. Please see the Testimonials and Slander pages for more info.

It is important to realize that no child has been repatriated to their parents, no survivor of abuse has been made whole, no pedophile has been stopped and no head of a transnational criminal organization has been brought to justice. No videotaped evidence or transcripts exist of the trial that brought down Pope Benedict.  No videotape has been provided of the takedowns and church reclamations Kevin claims are happening worldwide. The only proof he offers are his own statements.   He expects you to just believe him.

All of it (of course) is an elaborate lie.

And it is a lie that has been funded by good and well meaning people who are frustrated with the current system who have bought into this lie and have given their hard earned money thinking that it is saving the children.  People really want to believe everything he says is true but when they begin to suspect they were wrong about Mr. Annett and begin to ask questions, they are made an example of and it is Kevin who paints himself as the victim.  They are publicly slandered and shamed and accused of things that are just as untrue as the rest of Kevin's claims.  This is the penalty paid by anyone who has dared to speak up or speak out.

As a blogger I am no stranger to nasty comments aimed at me and not the content of the article I’ve written.  It comes with the territory.  But I’ve been threatened by Kevin Annett himself, that I would “be stopped by people less forgiving than him”.  Since that threat was made, he has used professional hackers and trolls to harass me.

I have proof that he works with members of Anonymous who have created nearly a dozen websites and Facebook pages to spread lies about me.   It's one thing being called names, but it's quite another to accuse me of being capable of harming and causing to death of my patients. They, and other Kevin Annett supporters, have also threatened to come to my house and hurt me and my family and have even called my employer to get me fired.  It's funny that Kevin has always said that to acknowledge his detractors was to give them power, but the truth is that he has his group of internet trolls who stalk and attack anyone who speaks out against him. He has no need to do anything personally with this so-called security team on the job. These are who the Friends of Kevin Annett really are.

As you will see in the Testimonial and Slander pages of this site that there are others who have endured similar campaigns.

The question you must ask is what would happen to you if you suddenly stopped supporting him and began asking him the hard questions.  Are you prepared for it to be you and your family next?

Consider this, I could have been his biggest supporter had he not turned out to be a liar, but I chose to expose him as a con artist whose job is to steer you away from the truth.  Realize that he wants you to believe that he’s got it all covered, while nothing has changed, so that you don’t ever lift a finger to change the world yourselves.  And all the while the criminals still roam around free.  It is the ultimate disinformation and distraction (psyop) plan for the newly awakened masses and while he may deny it, what he is doing serves the cause of those he claims to fight against.



Friday, December 19, 2014


ITCCS INVESTIGATORS UPDATE  Hi All I am sorry that there is confusion regarding ITCCS and Annett. I interviewed Annett as sole spokesman for 3 years and I took on faith many statements he made because of my 10 year relationship with him. On Oct. 28, 2014, a woman friend of mine came to me with a report that Annett had been simultaneously romancing and proposing marriage to several women in different parts of the planet. I had also noticed that young beautiful women would be appointed administrators by Annett of the ITCCS FB group [which I had founded] who then would become traveling companions to Annett across Canada and to Europe. My friend told me that Annett was engaging in unethical interpersonal relationships with multiple women. By coincidence Annett was scheduled for an interview in early Nov 2014 and I confronted him with what I had been told. Annett lied, saying he hardly knew my friend whereas they had been going out for 2 years. He then accused my friend, who runs a spiritual center, of being a government agent. At that moment I lost trust in Kevin Annett as I sensed he was deliberately lying for deceptive purposes.
Within the past two weeks Heather Martin published interviews with two women whom Annett was simultaneously romancing at the same time he was my friend.
Alfred L. Webre
I decided that as a matter of due diligence I should request an independent interview with George Dufort who Annett indicated had functioned as a coordinator of ITCCS Brussels. Over the past several months I had received emails purportedly written by George Dufort. I also knew that some researchers had concluded that George Dufort, like Jeremiah Jourdain, were fictitious persons Annett had made up in an effort to make his organization real.
Upon my request of an interview with George Dufort, Annett escalated into a public hostile response indicating that I would be the target of a Tribunal and Grand Jury starting in January in Vancouver. Hence I issued a Protective Order to protect my home and the 10 people in it including elementary and secondary aged students from being threatened by the Grand Jury and Republic of Kanata gang, mandating no contact and prohibiting them from coming within 100 meters of my house. We have has yet to receive verification that ITCCS Brussels personnel or the court exist. Moreover we have receive preliminary information impeaching one of Annett's principal European witnesses.
developed and will be publishing evidence that Annett manipulated $150,000 from one such woman to support his lifestyle in the ITCCS, constituting fraud and breach of trust.
In the course of following through on due diligence we have been attacked and distorted by Annett and followers.
Our articles exposing Annett's breach of trust, compulsive lying, financial fraud, and shady involvement in child trafficking issues will be appearing in the coming weeks and months
Our working hypothesis is that one of the functions of ITCCS is to displace and discredit any genuine citizen offered in this field.
Thank you for your interest and patience in following this story as it unfolds.
Alfred Lambremont Webre

Thursday, December 18, 2014


Kevin Annett
Some people write that Kevin Annett saved childs from the cabal Church-Organized crime. The questions that the notorious swindler K.A. must answer are these: Where are the EVIDENCES that you saved children? Why not recognize that the ITCCS is nothing but you alone? Where are the EVIDENCES showing that Pope Francis I kills and eats children in barbarous rituals? How many people your one man faked ITCCS arrested? NO. The answer is that the whole invention is one con man way to demand money from the individuals who believe in his obscene lies. This man also abuses tribal women and pushes drugs into these tribes.

The money for "saving children" goes to Kevin's father in Florida USA.
Kevin Annett's father
Lydia White Calf is the wife of a residential school survivor who put a lot of her time and energy into supporting Kevin Annett. She has given him 10’s of thousands of dollars to fund his personal expenses, travel expenses and the printing of his self-published books. Over time, Lydia realized that Kevin was not behaving in a way she would expect of a ‘reverend’ who said he was working on the survivor’s behalf. When she spoke out, he labelled her as a ‘black ops’ operative- does that sound familiar?
She has got her bank to look into their records and the first receipts have been found- there will be more soon. Kevin
asked that the payments be sent care of his dad at his trailer park in Florida. One has to wonder why Kevin never asks that people sent him money in his name.
Here are the receipts. I will be taking them to the RCMP, along with a printout of the document Kevin where Annett forged Harriett Nahanee’s signature. The clock is ticking for the Annett’s long con…

The words of an enlightened woman, Dr. Geri De Stefano-Webre

Thanks James for this valuable contribution.

Geri De Stefano-Webre

I don't often, if ever, agree with your positions.
However, re: Kevin Annett, I do agree. 
I've always felt that he was a fraud and I am grateful that truth is finally coming out on this very dangerous and, sadly, toxic man.
I am also grateful that there are folks who have been championing him all these years who are finally aware of the deception. And WILL do all humanly possible to make things right.

Geri De Stefano-Webre, Ph.D.
Transpersonal Consultant

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

For Alfred Webre, Enough is Enough.


Believe it or not, many in the cosmic, new age, UFO connection were not surprised by the end of Webre and Annett friendship. The whole Kevin hoax was fragile and Alfred Webre is not a poor old believer in a demonized church. On the contrary he is a lawyer, a judge and knows the differences between evidences and charlatanism. The pathetic and pathological Annett could steal money from old ladies and send the money to his father living in a Florida trailer.
The defrocked Kevin Annett could abuse Canadian natives and push drugs into the tribes but to silence all these crimes is not easy.  Alfred Webre is now aware of all this rotten swindle, and we knew this will happen sooner or latter.

Guido Sinistrari

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Breaking News: Alfred Lambremont Webre breaking with Kevin Annett..!

Kevin Annett, the scapegoat provider.

Mr.D contribution: Kevin Annett , the scapegoat provider.
I do not deny the suggestion from Guido S. the Italian, about the Calabrese connection with Kevin Annett, the Canadian hoaxer, but I did some personal and private research and here is my suggestion.
It is possible to believe that there are five or six millionaires in Canada or even USA? Of course, this is obvious. It is also possible that these chosen six hate the Pope and the church and, as a psychologist told me, they also make a transference projecting their own pedophilia in the figure of the Pope and Jesuits? Of course it is possible that some rich men are also perverts right? Not only possible but a fact, indeed.
Kevin Annett, professional liar.

What do these individuals want? They want the Pope degraded, insulted, accused of perversion, slandered. This is a well-known pathological method of guilt transference. The scapegoat is in this case the Pope Francis I.  Last question: will these individuals pay for this “therapy”? Of course they will, and the provider of the scapegoat is Kevin Annett, the psychopathic, defrocked priest that knows no scruples.  

Images and Signs

Images and Signs

I agree that spineless Webre is controlled and subdued, but in my humble opinion, the american and canadian extreme right are into this also. While Catholicism keeps the power and unity, Protestantism is just a million little business selling a few Xstian cliches. (open your heart to Jesus and so on...)

The absurd attacks and accusations against the Pope Francis I, will be seen with sympathy by the Jesus-selling professionals.

In the wisdom of Sunyata and the hour of the Supreme Void.

Frater Umbra

Monday, December 15, 2014

Is Time-Travel a disinformation maneuver ?

Mr.G. sends me the following question: Is or was the time-travel disclosure a maneuver of disinformation planted by intelligence agencies?
There are no strictures in this chart, so it’s perfectly readable. The ascendant at 18 degrees, 26 minutes of Virgo, makes Mercury the Lord of the first house ruling the querent and as always the Moon as co-significator.Given that this is a question about maneuvers of disinformation, the 12 house rules secret operations and intrigues. The planet ruling this house with cusp at 18 Degrees 49 minutes of Leo is the Sun.It’s very important the fact that Sun and Mercury are both in the sixth house, but Mercury, in this  cadent house , is not only retrograde and weakened by this factor, but under the Sun beans, so we have this planet, which rules mass delusions, impostors, intrigues and also manias, very limited in its astrological powers of expression.The Moon is in the third house, also cadent, in Sagittarius. This 3rd house rules gossips, rumors and information in Horary Astrology.  Luna is leaving a previous square with the Sun and applying to a new square, an evil aspect, to Neptune, co-ruler of Pisces, the trans-saturnian planet that rules cheating, mass delusions, impostors and intrigues. Neptune is conjunct to the Sun in Pisces, a mute sign.However, this Neptune conjunction with Sun puts this planet in Combustion, and as a result its action is weakened and limited.It is obvious that since there are no aspects between these undermined significators of the querent and his question, the answer is NO. Time-travel disclosure is not a maneuver of disinformation, but a personal, individual idea or delusion.
In a previous Horary analysis we found that the presumed time-travel never happened.

About "script-writers", conflicts promotion, masks and detour maneuvers.

Mr.Fogg, this is in fact a coincidence or more accurately, certain conflicts that we preview a week or so earlier, are selected as lateral comments.
Anyway, what I would like to define is the possibility (and practice) of indirect promotion of conflicts.
In other words, two conspiracies which are totally or partially contradictory, are used in a sometimes asymmetric situation where the promotion of conflicts is needed.
A variation of this strategy is the creation of a conspiratorial meme needed for the annulation or liquidation of a floating meme, which is out of control.
Good scripts will eventually produce either a conflict between two or more conspiracy scripts, or the annulation of the floating meme without useful actuality.
Let me also tell you something about masks and decoy operations.
Personally I think that the Breakaway Civilization script is excellent but not sophisticated.  Mask and Decoy mean changing the definition and character of evil forces. The Corporative Market, the Big Money men, become breakaway civilization, with their own secret space program and trivia. The populace chooses to change the image and at the same time, sees the bad ones as invulnerable. Social tensions are alleviated and unwanted conflicts suspended.
Well I am in a hurry now, but first of all please remember that our little talk is based in hypothetical situations. I am not saying that Mr. Richard Dolan is reading a “script”, know what I meant?  Neither am I saying that this Breakaway Civilization idea is not the creation of imaginative script-writers.

Have a great weekend Fogg…and give my regards to wife and kids. 

WAR in Fantasy Island. Lucas Von Teufel's advice

Lucas Von Teufel

to me
Dear Fogg, I was not at home when you called me, but yes, about fight between Andy Basiago and Alfred Webre, apparently is the consequence of Alfred loosing balance under the pressure and manipulation of individuals like Kevin Annett.  
In my view, the powers behind the throne don't want the total collapse of these sources, but much less do they want the obscenities against Pope Francis I which is a very popular figure.
If Kevin Annett influence over Alfred Webre can put A.W. in trance and talking about the pope killing children in satanic rituals, the whole UFO spread is hurt. Prudence is needed by the script-writers. Prudence, intelligence and good manners. 
Nobody likes the "Pandora Box situation" which is by definition out of control, particularly in these internet times.
Let me tell you this: a maneuver like the Roswell events could not be repeated today. When they transformed the M.Proyect into a flying saucer capture, it was easy to reverse one or two days latter. Of course the whole script was for the Soviets and not for the Americans.
Back to A.F. if Alfred Webre wants to go back into exopolitical respectability, he should not only to cut ties with the defrocked con-man, but also with other cheap,charlatans. He needs some 'numinous " experience as soon as possible. 
Clients will doubt the credibility of the books from someone who publicly tells that the Pope kills and eats children in satanic rituals. 
Truth is that Alfred Webre is committing personality suicide in the name of a con artist, charlatan and slanderer of the worst kind. 
Why? I'm affraid that Alfred needs to go back to his medicines as soon as possible. This is not a joke. Its what I think is happening. 
Lucas V.T.